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Balika Mini Mairathon

An eye widening rally was organised by Aagaman Samajik Sanstha to propogate the message to STOP FEMALE FOETICIDE and SAVE GIRL CHILD to the common mass in Varanasi on 31st January 2016. 

More than 6000 girls from different schools and colleges participated with full enthusiasm in this mairathon with a noble motto, the run started from Lanka and ended up in the premises of Jaggarnath Temple.

The procession got converted into a public meeting which was addressed by some respectable citizens on Varanasi who told about the importance of females in our society. They warned the mass with the danger we are heading towards in the form of a society with no females, which will lead to the end of this whole society.

At the end Aagaman honoured the enlightened and awakened citizens of this city who have special participation in the social service and upliftment.

The program finally ended with a small bruch arranged for all the participating member where all the 6000+ girls were served with delicious puri-bhaji.


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